Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal: Laser hair removal is a long-lasting form of hair removal. The heat from the laser light destroys the hair follicle, so hair can no longer grow from it.

Whether or not hair grows back depends on numerous factors, including the type of hair that regrows and the skill of the therapist who is removing the hair.

The laser machine being used for this treatment comes with an integrated air-cooling system. Cooling the skin before and after the treatment helps reduce any pain or swelling. It also helps minimize the dermal-epidermal temperature during laser exposure.

Although Laser hair removal is one of the best treatments to remove unwanted hair, there are times, when fine baby hair is difficult to be removed by laser alone. That’s when we combine laser hair removal with laser hair bleaching, which helps bleach these hair quite effectively and makes them invisible for several weeks. 

The number of sessions depends on the size of the area being treated, so it is advisable to book a consultation with our professional therapists.

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